2019-02-16 13:43:12 +01:00

22 lines
939 B

# wlan_pioneer
ROS package to map WLAN availability using a mobile robot (Pioneer P3-DX). The map is created with slam and the wlan signal is displayed as a heatmap.
This is a project for the lecture Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) at [Hochschule Mannheim](https://www.hs-mannheim.de/).
## Architecture
### Hardware:
- Pioneer P3-DX robot
- Sick laser scanner
- (Game) Controller
- WLAN Stick (2.4G and 5G)
### Software
- Ubuntu 18.04 alias Bionic Beaver
- ROS Melodic
- [catkin](http://wiki.ros.org/catkin)
- [P2os driver](http://wiki.ros.org/p2os-purdue) ([code from here](https://github.com/allenh1/p2os))
- [slam_gmapping](http://wiki.ros.org/slam_gmapping) ([code from here](https://github.com/ros-perception/slam_gmapping))
- [openslam_gmapping](http://wiki.ros.org/openslam_gmapping) ([code from here](https://github.com/ros-perception/openslam_gmapping)))
- [wifi-scan library](https://github.com/bmegli/wifi-scan)