
74 lines
2.5 KiB

<!-- Defining the arguments -->
<arg name="HokuyoLaser" value="0" />
<arg name="SICKLMSLaser" value="1" />
<arg name="P2OS_Driver" value="1" />
<arg name="KeyboardTeleop" value="0" />
<arg name="JoystickTeleop" value="1" />
<arg name="Transform" value="1" />
<arg name="Dashboard" value="0" />
<arg name="enableMotor" value="1" />
<arg name="enableWlanScan" value="1" />
<arg name="enableGmapping" value="1" />
<arg name="enableBagging" value="1" />
<!-- Set wifi interface and start wlan logging -->
<group if="$(arg enableWlanScan)" >
<include file="$(find wlan_pioneer)/launch/wlanSignal.launch"/>
<!-- Enable the motor with rostopic pub -->
<group if="$(arg enableMotor)" >
<node name="rostopic" pkg="rostopic" type="rostopic" args="pub -1 /cmd_motor_state p2os_msgs/MotorState 1"/>
<!-- Start the p2os ROS Driver -->
<group if="$(arg P2OS_Driver)" >
<node pkg="p2os_driver" name="p2os_driver" type="p2os_driver"/>
<!-- Start the Dashboard -->
<group if="$(arg Dashboard)">
<node pkg="p2os_dashboard" name="p2os_dashboard" type="p2os_dashboard"/>
<!-- Start the teleoperation node for keyboard control -->
<group if="$(arg KeyboardTeleop)">
<include file="$(find p2os_launch)/launch/teleop_keyboard.launch" />
<!-- Start the teleoperation node for joystick control -->
<group if="$(arg JoystickTeleop)">
<include file="$(find p2os_launch)/launch/teleop_joy.launch" />
<!-- Publish the required transform -->
<group if="$(arg Transform)">
<include file="$(find p2os_launch)/launch/tf_base_link_to_laser.launch" />
<!-- Start the Hokuyo Laser node if Hokuyo Laser is used -->
<group if="$(arg HokuyoLaser)">
<include file="$(find p2os_launch)/launch/hokuyo.launch" />
<!-- Start the SICK LMS Laser Node if a SICK Laser is used -->
<group if="$(arg SICKLMSLaser)">
<include file="$(find p2os_launch)/launch/sicklms.launch" />
<include file="$(find p2os_urdf)/launch/pioneer3dx_urdf.launch"/>
<group if="$(arg enableGmapping)" >
<include file="$(find p2os_launch)/launch/gmapping.launch" />
<group if="$(arg enableBagging)" >
<node pkg="rosbag" type="record" name="rosbag_record_wlan"
args="record -o /tmp/wlan_pioneer /pose /sonar /scan /slam_gmapping/entropy /tf /base_scan /wlan_signal" />